Journal Press India®


In this issue, we cover a wide range of study subjects from different fields in science and technology. This collection highlights the multidisciplinary character of contemporary research, from utilising computer vision techniques to address health crises like black fungus to adding bacteria-infused concrete and diatomite to improve the performance and durability of construction materials.

In addition, authors explore the field of energy management through research on the Life Cycle Estimation and Degradation of Battery Management Systems and the incorporation of renewable energy sources into microgrids, emphasizing the vital role that sustainable energy solutions play in tackling global issues.

In the context of accessibility, we explore the empowerment of communication through speech recognition technologies, emphasizing their significance in facilitating inclusivity and improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

In addition, our article offers assessments of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) routing protocols, which sheds light on the effectiveness and efficiency of communication protocols in dynamic network environments.

Finally, authors explore the fascinating field of decisional algorithms, concentrating on Complex Dis-ordered Embroidery, providing insights into the complex mechanics that underlie decision-making processes.

Author showcases a prototype for an Internet of Things-based solar panel cleaning mechanism, which represents the union of sustainability and technology to address modern difficulties in renewable energy infrastructure, in an effort to push the boundaries of innovation even further.

This issue serves as a tribute to the unrelenting pursuit of knowledge and creativity in the pursuit of a better tomorrow, encapsulating the spirit of exploration and collaboration.


Prof (Dr) Kamal Sharma

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